Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Donald Trump: The Establishment's Key to Sustainability

The support for Donald Trump is as absurd as it is abundant.
The general consensus with his supporters is that they are angry with the corruption, angry with the establishment and angry with the humdrum, business as usual of Washington. So what do they do—rally behind a corrupt, previously self identified Washington insider that not only supported, but funded all the politicians and political positions that got us where we are today.

I know, it literally makes no sense to me either.

Countless people who identify as staunch Conservatives, Republicans and even Evangelicals are completely throwing away the principles and beliefs they said they so dearly adhere to for what can only be described as the best, or more accuratelythe worst, Trump scam yet.

No matter how much he pushes the "Lyin' Ted" narrative, Donald Trump remains unmatched in the deception and peddling of blatant lies to the American people. Almost everything he says is categorically false. The briefest look into his record reveals the stark contrast of actual belief and shameless pandering, the latter being the foundation of his campaign. Even polling shows he's managing to make Hillary Clinton seem likable and trustworthy. Which on its own should make you really reconsider who you're actually supporting!

However, this does not seem to change the fact that Trump widely goes unquestioned both by the media and voters. He lies about lying about his lies and for reasons beyond my comprehension people continue to just make excuses for him or disregard it out of what can only be complete ignorance.

So I ask you, when is enough, enough? How many times does this man have to prove his incompetence, his duplicitousness and how completely contradictory and incoherent his philosophies are before people actually wake up to the fact that he is an absolute fraud?

He has questioned Israel's commitment to peace and said many times that he'd remain neutral in a dispute involving our ally, he's said he would make our military commit war crimes, he's said that he's for Socialized medicine, he's said he would expand our government, he's said he would violate the constitutional rights of businesses and individuals. He has proven over and over that he is not the man he is claiming to be. If you looked at this abstractly you would think he was someone trying his damnedest not to become president, it's ridiculous!

I know what I am about to say will undoubtedly antagonize and exasperate some but I am going to say it anyway.

If you fully support Donald Trump for president, stop calling yourself a Conservative, stop calling yourself a Republican and stop calling yourself an Evangelical—you are not one anymore and you may not have ever been one in the first place. 

This is not a man that should ever embody anyone's party or personal values. Again, just take a look at his record. His own actions and statements do much more damage to his credibility than anything else ever could. Trump has never been a champion of Conservatism politically and personally he's never been a model of moral integrity.

As a Conservative, I believe in principles over electability. No matter who the candidate is, it's unquestionably more important for them to stand tall on their beliefs and values then it is to ever win an election. The problem with politicians like Trump is that their beliefs change with whatever might be trending that day. So to his supporters he may seem to stand for everything they want but to those of us not in a fog of delirium, it's quite simple see that he stands for absolutely nothing.

Not to say that electability isn't an important factor, obviously it isthis is an election after all. However Trump is not quite proving to be anything near the rightwardmost viable candidate running nor the most electable. Nearing an almost 70 percent unfavorable rating with poll after poll showing him losing to Hillary Clinton in the general, it's extremely difficult to see the logic behind those saying he's the candidate that can win.

Until New York, Trump hadn't even been winning states with an overwhelming majority. In his home state he lost his own voting district to John Kasich and Hillary Clinton managed to get more than double the votes he did statewide. Trump even got 238,537 fewer votes than a Socialist in his home state. I don't think that's exactly something I would brag about as an exceptional victory.

It's not an isolated occurrence either. In many states Donald Trump is consistently getting far fewer votes than Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. With that and his very poor head to head polling in mind, I would see this as forewarning to what we can expect in the general if
Trump is the nomineean unequivocal loss!

I can fully understand people defending their candidate of choice. What I can't understand, however, is defending the indefensible and the inexcusable which is exactly what Trump's supporters and an alarming and ever-growing number in the media have been doing throughout this election cycle.  If any other candidate did or said what Trump has they would have been ridiculed, mocked and all but forced to end their bid for the presidency.

Donald Trump epitomizes everything that is inherently wrong with Washington—Lies, corruption, corporate welfare, fraud, shady deals, cronyism and absolute zero accountability. Trump never was and never will be an insurgent or an outsider. He's has been immersed in politics just as long as a career politician.

He is the linchpin of the establishment and progressive foothold. That is why he is getting support from many establishment politicians like John Boehner. They need someone in office that will keep the status quo. If this is not an apparent and eye-opening red flag to the reality of what's really going on then we might as well start swearing Hillary Clinton into office now.

This is truly a time for choosing. Do we continue down this path of ruination that people like Donald Trump have perpetrated and contributed to or do we choose to make a stand against the status quo and reinvigorate our country? 

For me the answer is easy. This is a turning point in our country that we need to take advantage of. A point where we choose prosperity for the many instead of the few. A point where we get back to basics and get the government out of our lives. This is only going to happen with one candidate, Ted Cruz. 

But by all means, if you're happy with the status quo and the direction that our country is headed, feel free to vote for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

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