Donald Trump calls Ted Cruz a totally unstable individual. Trump says, "He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much."
Let's just get something straight right off the bat. If Trump's tantrums on the debate stage and on twitter are not enough evidence of a severely unstable individual I don't know what is. As far as the lies go, according to more than a few fact checking websites, Donald Trump lies roughly 93 percent of the time. He's in no way in a position of being able to criticize anyone on stability or truth telling. He is literally at the top of the list of deceiving the American people.
Donald Trump also said "Cruz said I would be appointing a liberal judge when in fact I will appoint a great conservative and I am the only candidate who has gone so far, at the debate, as to suggest two individuals I feel would best represent the conservative values we need to protect: William “Bill” Pryor Jr. and Diane Sykes."
Trump continually praises his sister who is a pro-abortion left wing extremist judge and has said she would be, in his own words—a "phenomenal Supreme Court justice." I get being supportive of your family and I do not have a problem with that except that he has a history of supporting liberal justices instead of conservative ones. Take his stance on eminent domain for example. If Trump really is a conservative he would stand with justices like Scalia who opposed and tried to stop it. Instead, Donald Trump supported the views of the liberal justices.
Trump said, "Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved."
I will let Donald Trump's own words shed light on this. His own words do more damage to his credibility than anything else ever could. On NBC's Meet the Press, Trump said the following, "Look, I’m very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject, but you still — I just believe in choice. Again, it might have a little to do with a New York background, because there are some different attitudes in different parts of the country … but again, I am strongly for choice, and yet I hate the concept of abortion. I am pro-choice in every respect, but I just hate it. "
"I am pro-choice in every respect." That does not really leave any wiggle room for interpretation, does it? As far as Trump comparing himself to Ronald Reagan that is about as ridiculous as it gets. Reagan, unlike Trump, had for decades supported, defended and believed in conservatism before becoming president. Trump simply has not. He does not have any history of having conservative view points. He has seemingly changed all of his well documented liberal views overnight to run for president. He is a Republican by title only—the liberal views remain present.
Donald Trump said, "Cruz says I am in favor of ObamaCare, when in fact I have spoken about repealing and replacing this disaster of a system at every speech throughout my campaign and since it’s inception. Meanwhile, Cruz was responsible for getting Bush to put in the judge that failed to vote against ObamaCare twice."
While I do not believe he is truly in favor of ObamaCare, he has on numerous occasions expressed support for a single-payer system. During a 60 minutes interview with Scott Pelley, Trump said, "Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say." Donald continued on saying, "I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now."
When asked by Scott Pelley who is going to pay for it, Trump said—"the government’s gonna pay for it." So although he may not support ObamaCare, he does support the same healthcare system that his Socialist adversary Bernie Sanders does.
The John Roberts issue has me truly surprised at Trump's absurdity to insinuate either Ted Cruz or George W. Bush are in any capacity to blame for the ObamaCare fiasco. I guess old Democrat habits die hard. It seems like he is taking a page right out of Barack Obama's blame Bush for everything diversionary comeback book.
Donald Trump continued on saying, "Cruz says I will try to take away your second amendment rights, when I am one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and I say so in every speech that I have made for years. I am a proud member of the NRA and so are my sons."
This is a bit of an exaggeration on Trump's part. Though he may have never supported confiscation—Trump has openly supported the assault weapons ban and advocated for extended waiting periods. He has supported stricter gun control in the past and has flip flopped over the years on the issue. Trump even criticized Republicans that walk the NRA line for not wanting any more regulations or gun control laws.
Trump then throws out yet another dig at the senator saying, "Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.
In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation form sent to Iowa voters. If Ted is going to continue to lie with such desperation, I have no choice but to fight back"
If there is one thing that is certain it's the fact that Ted Cruz has not lied about anything involving Donald Trump. He has merely restated all the things Trump has publicly espoused as his own view points. I really think that Donald Trump is so conceited that he thinks that he is above reproach and his own statements will go unchecked. Ted Cruz is not cowering to his threats so obviously Trump's next move is to threaten lawsuits and resort to name calling—like a child throwing a tantrum.
The stealing voters issue should not even be an issue, it's honestly ridiculous. Not only did at least three CNN reporters tweet less than clear tweets about Carson moving on with his presidential bid, which I personally saw while it was unfolding, but Marco Rubio's campaign circulated the same news as well. This was far from a deliberate attack on Carson. Trump seems to be suffering from the worst case of sour grapes in recent history.
Donald Trump says one of the ways he can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against Cruz relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President. If he doesn’t take down his "false" ads and retract his "lies", Trump will do so immediately. Additionally, the RNC should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to Donald Trump.
This man is so narcissistic he actually believes he can dictate how the election, the debates and the media are run. Nobody has not treated Trump fairly. He has been coddled and coaxed by the media as well as the RNC—above and beyond what they would do for other candidates.
The fact of the matter is Ted Cruz is an American citizen no matter how much Trump wishes he wasn't. Cruz has not run slanderous ads or even lied about Trump. Ted Cruz as simply reveled the Achilles heel of Donald Trump—his own words.
Donald Trump wrapped up his response by saying the following:
"I am the strongest on the borders and I will build a wall, and it will be a real wall. I am strongest on illegal immigration, strongest on ISIS, strongest on the military and I will take care of our Vets. I will end common core and preserve the second amendment. I will renegotiate our trade deals and bring our jobs back to our country. I am the only person who will Make America Great Again."
I just want you to take a moment and look at the above excerpt closely. Do you see anything profoundly telling about it? It sticks out quite resoundingly—I, I, I, I, I, I, I! This is a man that is so arrogant he can't see past his own nose. He is the greatest, he does the best things, he is the strongest, he is the only one who will make America great again.
I don't know about you but I happen to think America is great, we never stopped being great. We don't need a president who thinks that we are not great and he is our only hope, we already have that—it didn't go very well. We the people make America great, not a substanceless, self proclaimed savior.
no mistake, Donald Trump is not in this for the good of the people.
This is nothing more than a sanctimonious conquest of power. The only
thing Donald Trump cares about is himself—it is the only thing that has
remained constant throughout his entire life.